Last modified by Ursula Kirsten - 2 months ago
1 min read

What are my options for creating videos using YouTube Showcase Pro?

YouTube Showcase Pro offers 3 ways to create videos;

  • Manually creating each video: Use this feature:
    • If you do not have too many videos
    • The video information is not updated frequently.
  • Bulk importing all videos and relationships from CSV: Use this feature:
    • If you have too many videos to be imported
    • If you already have information on each video, tags to be used and video to video relationships
    • If you have your own custom content and excerpt or thumbnail on each video
    • When you need to back up your videos
    • If you regularly update or import the video information from external systems.
  • Bulk importing all videos using YouTube API: Use this feature:
    • If you have too many videos to be imported
    • If you do not have your own custom content and excerpt or thumbnail on each video
    • If you regularly get the video information from YouTube.
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