Last modified by MammaMia - 9 months ago
1 min read

How to change RSVP form content using a third party form such as Salesforce Web-to-Lead

WP Easy Events Professional has a WordPress filter which can used to replace the modal content (form) on the event pages. When you add the following code to your functions.php, you can replace the form in the modal popup with any html content you would like.

add_filter('wpee_pro_modal_content','wpee_pro_change_modal_content'); function wpee_pro_change_modal_content($modal_content){ //your html goes here }

Please note that if you replace the form, attendee records won’t be created in WordPress and emails won’t be sent to attendees. If you want to have the attendees in WordPress, you must bulk import them from a CSV file using operations functionality. If you don’t want to send the notification emails make sure you uncheck active checkbox in notifications settings page for event attendee notifications before bulk importing them.
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