Last modified by MammaMia - 9 months ago
1 min read

How to send Event Tickets via email to Attendees in bulk from CSV imports

WP Easy Events Pro comes with CSV Import/Export functionality which can used to bulk import attendees from third party products and send event tickets via email. To be able to do bulk event sent in WP Easy Events, you must purchase eMD CSV Import/Export plugin.

If you do not want to send emails but bulk import attendees, you must first uncheck Active field from Event Settings > Notifications > Attendee Tickets collapse before following the step below.

To bulk send event tickets to attendees, follow the steps below.

  1. Create a sample attendee and export it to CSV using Operations > Export tab.
  2. Import the attendee CSV file in google spreadsheets.
  3. Modify your attendee data in google spreadsheets making sure that;
    • "Check-in" column is set to 0 to be able to check that attendee in with QR on the event location.
    • The Ticket ID field is unique for each attendee.
    • Fill in all the other fields as they are in your sample attendee data. All records must be in "publish" status
  4. Create a separate CSV file for event attendee relationships and import it to Google spreadsheet. Make sure "Attendees Ticket ID" column has the correct Ticket ID and every ticket id is matched with the correct event title. Otherwise, either no ticket notifications will sent or wrong people will get tickets.
  5. Export attendees and event-attendees to CSV from google spreadsheets
  6. Import Attendees first by clicking on Attendee list operations button and selecting Import tab
  7. This step is very important. So make sure that your data is correct before completing this step. Import Event Attendee relationships by clicking on Events list operations button and selecting Import tab. As soon as each record is imported, a ticket will be sent to the attendee email. If a Ticket ID is already connected to an event, the ticket will NOT be sent again. If you need to resend a ticket to an existing event attendee, delete it from the Attendee list and create it from CSV file.
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