Last modified by MammaMia - 8 months ago
1 min read

How to create a Video Wall in HTML widget in WordPress

Creating a video wall in your site's sidebar is supported in YouTube Showcase Pro WordPress plugin. You can create a video wall either in EMD Widget Area which is displayed only in YouTube Showcase pages or in any WordPress page.

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Appearance > Widgets after logging in WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Drag and drop an instance of Custom HTML widget to either EMD Widget Area or any area in your theme's sidebar.
  3. Optionally set the title of the widget.
  4. Enter the following code:

    <style>div.emd-container div.panel-body, div.emd-container figure.panel-body { padding-bottom: 56.25%; padding-top: 25px; }
    div.emd-container .widget_custom_html figure.panel-body .video-img-caption { font-size: 9px; }
    div.emd-container .widget_custom_html{display:none} </style>

    [video_wall filter="misc::posts_per_page::is::10; misc::has_pages::is::false; tax::video_tag::is::front;"]

  5. Click Save

How to customize the shortcode

The shortcode we used above displays top 10 videos matching "front" tag and removes pagination support. If you use only


shortcode, there will be pagination support where users will be browse the next set of videos with each click.

How to customize the look

We used font-size:9px for the video caption in the code above. You can increase or decrease this value based on your need.

See examples

Video wall on a WordPress Page

Video wall using EMD Widget Area

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